The Seven Postcard Series - ii

Series 1. From Abram, and replies from Haran

Series 2. From John, and replies from Zebedee

Series 3. From Samuel, and replies from Neo

An Introduction to Series 1: News of John the Baptist’s preaching had reached Galilee. Zebedee sent his sons, James and John, to find out more. Fifty days after the sons left, John writes to his father…

Dad, Day 50. It’s so hot. Surrounded by hills either side of the Jordan. The rocks are too hot to touch after midday. But still people come. James is fine. We stick close to Simon and Andrew, we’re all well. In fact, more than well. We’ve all been baptised and not sure what’s coming next. You were right to let us go, though I worry about you and the boats. We’ve met a man, also from Galilee, Jesus. Heading home soon. I miss the lake. Tell Mother she should have come and not to have worried about you so much, old man. John

John, Day 75. Got your postcard yesterday. Your mother doesn’t know whether to stick or twist! The thought of you coming home is too much for her, she’s been out this morning on the boats, swearing at the men. I can’t control her. I’ve always held that God would come for His people. It’s too important to worry about fish. Not many of my friends believe me, think I was wrong to let you go. I tell them, I didn’t ‘let’ you go…I gave you and James to God when you were born. Take that! I’m well, son. Decided not to shave until you come home. Dad x.

Dad, Day 102. We’re heading north and it’s getting cooler. Big changes Dad. Hundreds are staying with the John, the Baptist, but many have heard Jesus is in Galilee and they’re off, including us. John is sure he is the Messiah and will baptise us in the Spirit not water. What do you think? We’ve met so many different people. From all over Israel. Strange accents from Judea. Craftsmen, musicians, Pharisees, shepherds. If Jesus is in Galilee go and see him, Dad. Love to Mother.

John, Day 145. Mother and I have left for Capernaum to listen to your man, Jesus. The whole country, it seems has forgotten work. The roads are full of people, young and old. And some very sick. So many stories of miracles. Tears are in my eyes. The hope I’ve had for all these years. Can it be true? Hurry John.

Dad, Day 153. Quick note. We’ve arrived. Will send this immediately. Fishing tonight. Will be in Capernaum by the Sabbath.

John, Day 153 This is so much more than the miracles. Get here quickly. I’ve sent this card with Rufus. Hopefully, he will recognise you if you are on the road. Listen to this man, John. I bet you the synagogues won’t like it. It’s good they keep the traditions and the scriptures, but this man is bringing the scriptures to life. You need to be prepared to break ties with the synagogue, my son, if it comes to it. Love to James.

The two fathers: both gave their sons

Dad, Day 155. We’re a day away. We met Rufus. Yes, I know Dad. In my heart, I’ve left already, if they follow that’s good. But many won’t, you’re right. We’ve all seen the disapproving faces of the Pharisees who came to spy on the Baptist. I’m sure their poison will travel as fast as Jesus. So glad you and Mother have heard Jesus speak. Simon is ahead of us on the road. You’ll smell him before you hear him!! John and James.




The Seven Postcards Series i