Slack Jaw at War

‘Ackney Slack Jaw
That’s my name
Not black no blame
I’m a white rhyming jackdaw
Not wild, not tame

Some rules in East
Don’t look at me in my eyes
Stay lowly, be cool as ice
Not hostile, I don’t smile
Safe with me, not deceased

No conformity, no truce

I flatten my vowels
Let my jaw hang loose
My I, so sly
My words so smooth
No conformity, no truce

I carry a grammar hammer
Your e’s and your a’s
Rebuilt in Slack Jaw ways
Your o’s and your u’s
No stranger to abuse

I carry a grammar hammer

I’m a white rhyming jackdaw
Not wild, not tame
Not black, no blame
‘Ackney Slack Jaw
That’s my name


Book Review: ‘The Gift’ by Edith Eger


Paris ’24 10,000m Twenty-Sixth and final installment 0 days to go…