Running - actually a ‘not running’ blog 28th August
It’s walking boots not trainers for September
Big decision: Abandon running ‘til October
Why? Achilles
Welcome to the Stevens’ September Challenge
Morning Pilates – home-made version
Walk – at least 45’ but at least one 2-hour walk per week
Stairs – at least 20 up & downs + 1 x 100 up & down by end of September*
Others – an every-other-day smorgasbord
*The equivalent of climbing Mount Snowdon is approx 400 ups and downs - attempt sometime in 2023
October – tentative return to running: build up from 30” run + 1’ walk back to 4 x 5K (November) then 1 x 10K (December)
That’s the plan.
Being Half-American/ Half-Brit I’m torn between ‘Go for it!’ and ‘Believe it when I see it, John’
At least I have three days left in August to delete/edit this post and claim you only imagined reading it if you mention it in the future.